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Site Council

New York Elementary Site Council 

New York Elementary School Site Council Statement of Purpose:

The New York Elementary School Site Council is state-mandated advocacy and advisory group composed of care-givers, community meembers, and school staff, including the principal.  Together, we work to make our school the best it can be.  All meetings are open and members of the New York Elementary community are encourage to attend.


Purpose of Site Council:

The purpose of the school Site Council is to advise the school on such matters as student learning, education programs, school improvement, planning, accreditation issues, building maintenance, and safety issues.  The Site Council also plays an advocacy role for the school regarding these issues.  The work of Site Council is advisory in that it makes recommendations, but does not establish school policy.


Site Council Mission:

Through our collective work we help create a stronger, more engaged community and help make New York a safe, welcoming, and engaging place of learing in which all of our students can achieve their potiential.  In order to do this, we will seek to recruit Site Councils members representative of the diversity of the school community with respect to race, gender, social class, and sexual orientation.


What is the Composition of the New York Site Council?

The Site Council composition may vary from year to year.  However, ideally, it will be composed of the Principal, two staff meembers, four student caregivers, one community respresentative, one business or industry respresentative, and a representative from the USD 497 Board of Education.


What are the Responsibilities of New York Site Council Members?

The chair, in consultation with the building principal or his or her designee(s), establishes agendas, conducts meetings, and communicates site council advisement.  The secretary records the minutes of each meeting and communicates them to baord members prior to the next meeting.  All Site Council members participate in sactioned school improvment meetings and visits in an advisory capacity.  Site Council meembers periodically communicate with the school community and at least annually with the local board on site council acitivites and other council matters.  Site Council members take part in ongoing training to build their knowledge and skills related to site council work.


What is the Time Commitment for New York Site Council Members?

The Site Council meets about six times a year, for approximately one hour.  Some aditional time commitiments may arise between meetings for meembers working on special projects.


Site Council Goals:

New York Site Council sets annual goals that support the overall strategic goals of the school district Excellence, Equity, and Engagement.  Site Council has collaborated with the school district and the board of education in the past on teh development of accepted standards for elementary schools, the bond inititative, construction planning, and advocacy on a range of issues, including curriculum enhancement, building maintence, and school safety issues.  In 2020, the Site Council chose to focus on developing enrichment programs for students who may not have access to such programs outside of the school setting and on implementing a welcoming school program at New York, which is specifically aimed at helping to create LGBTQ and Gender-Inclusive classroom environments, embrace family diversity, and prevent bias-based bullying.


2021-2022 New York Site Council Members

Kathy Campbell- Student Caregivver

Sunny Halsted - Principal

Linda Kucza - Community Member

Caleb Morse - Caregiver and Chair

Samantha Saltz - Staff Member

Shelah Shanks - Student Cargiver and Secretary

Travis Tozer - Student Caregiver


* As of September 24th, these seats are still needing to be filled:  one staff meember, one student caregiver, one business or industry representative, respresentative from the USD 497 School Board.


In 2021-2022, the Site Council will meet on the following dates:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 18
  • January 27
  • March 24
  • April 28

All meetings will be held at 7pm on Zoom.  For the link, please contact Caleb Morse at


If you are intrested in becoming a member, please contact the school administration or just attend the next meeting to learn more.